I Love Panda ^-^

Saturday, December 19, 2009

About me and her (Part 2)


So after I broke up with my ex. I told Va (nickname for Ulfa) that I broke up with my ex, and it really surprised her. She was really surprised and she thought that it was all her fault, she said that it's because of her I broke up with my ex. Well, the thing is, I didn't blame her for what happened. But the reason I broke up with her was really because of her. But it's also because my relantionship wont be saved anymore, I've completely lost my feeling to my ex, and I already had a crush on her.

So, our holiday semester had ended, and we started a new semester and turn from 2nd grade into 3rd grade. I'm getting closer and closer to Va, we went out together a lot and after awhile. One day, she told me that she broke up with his boyfriend with the initial B. Back then I was so happy, I thought that I had a chance. But not long after she broke up with his ex (about 20 days). She dated somebody else with the initial L . I was shocked, really shocked!

She had giving me a sign, a hope for too many times, but what did I get? NOTHING!! I was mad, really mad. "Did she playing with my heart?" That was I kept thinking since she dated that guy. But something's just not right. Although she already had a boyfriend, she still going out with me. At least that made me happy. But her act also made me questioning her feeling to a boy. Did she always playing with someone's heart?

It was 8th September 2009. Birthday of Va. She invited me to her party, not all people were invited to here party, so I assume that I was special to her, Lol. Then there she was, she dressed up so beautifully. I can't take my eyes off of her. But then again, there was his boyfriend L. But I actually had no grudge on him, cause he won fair and square. But what bugs me was the presence of her ex with the initial E. I didn't know why but his presence somewhat disgust me, Va being overreacting just because she saw him.

September 10th 2009. Va told me that she broke up with L cause she got bored with him. Ok, I'm pretty happy with that, lol. September 11th 2009, it's my birthday. I asked her out to watch movie and have some coffee at starbucks. But before we go to starbucks, we decided to go and pray first. And this is where the problem started, when we walked out from the mosque, her cellphone was gone, somebody stole and destroy my birthday!! All she did was cry and cry, I couldn't find the way to stop her from crying. So I decided to bring here to starbucks to have some coffee. At first, she was very upset, she didn't speak, not a word. But after about 30 minutes, she finally began to speak and joking like before. I was so happy, my birthday wasn't rune that bad.

To be continued..


Ulfa Puspa said...

haha . .

can't wait to read the third part ! LOL :D

Panda_Cepetsuki_4th said...

just wait and see..

Ulfa Puspa said...

Hooo . .
Kelamaan lo :p

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